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Long time...Update!

So I haven't blogged in a longggggggg timeeeee... wow. Let's just say that I wasn't very motivated to do so since its been such a busy year. However, here is a little blog post in the time being!

New blog "logo"/text?!

As you may have seen, I updated the blog and gave it a makeover! I thought the old design was a little too girly and didn't really fit me. With that said, I gave it a new look of a vintage-y style and something to fit my personality better. It was also A LOT better to change the appearance since I recently just got a new laptop and the colors appear on the screen like they are supposed to (my old crappy laptop made the colors look different and not the same shade/tone that it really was) .

I really wanted the blog appearance to remind viewers, and myself personally, of the cozy feeling of the ideal way to get things done... sitting in a cozy cafe, rain, in London, listening to some nice music, nice stationary things for comfort and organization, and coffee. ...well I mean, that's my ideal way to get things done and have a productive work day.

This blog just needed a better welcoming.

-Rachel Lauren

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