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Lifestyle Change?

Hey, it's been a while. :)

So I got back from my trip from Tennessee. (There will be blog posts in the future with many pictures from the trip). I have been very busy lately since the time we arrived back home, so that is why there has been a major delay on those posts. However, I've managed to squeeze a little update post in.... About becoming Vegetarian!

(Picture is not mine, I did not have a picture for this topic, so I just got one from the internet) :)

Remember, going vegetarian/vegan is a lifestyle! not a diet! :))


Why I Decided To Become Vegetarian

When I was younger, I once tried going vegetarian after coming across brutal videos of animal slaughtering. However, I did not enforce it because I still kept eating the foods in my diet because since I was younger, I enjoyed going to restaurants like Red Robin or our local restaurant down the street. Also, as a younger kid I did not understand the entire concept of being vegetarian and vegan. I used to think that vegetarian was only just about not eating meat because people did not like it, and I thought vegans did not eat meat or anything from animals because they are strictly from animals. (Remember that I was a young kid when I thought this).

Now that I am older, vegetarianism and veganism has reappeared in my life. This past year, my two best friends became vegetarian and then eventually one became vegan. I understand more of the ethics of the two lifestyles now, especially since they provided me information before I became vegetarian recently. I now have a better understanding, and I am still progressing to discover more about the lifestyles and even incorporate vegan meals even though I am vegetarian for now. Maybe in the future I will become vegan, but right now, I started the transfer to vegetarian and I plan to stick with it for at least a while so I can adjust better when it comes to terms of watching the food I eat, and making sure it does not contain meat (including candies!) so I can feel better about life.

Now for the main reason why I decided to go vegetarian...

I am going to include some youtube links so you can have a better understanding to why I decided to become vegetarian.

Please keep in mind that I have no intention to offend anybody, nor am I trying to force this lifestyle on you in any way. :)

(WARNING: Videos will have graphic content! If you do not wish to see the video clips, or may feel sick, etc. please do not risk watching.

I will put a warning beside the video link if it is graphic.)

I decided to enforce the vegetarian lifestyle because of brutal videos of slaughterhouses, people beating the animals that humans typically eat, and out of information that I have read. It is not right to exploit, torture, rape, and slaughter animals. They are just as important as we are, and their lives are just as precious as our own.

What are you really eating? The reality:

(WARNING: graphic content, but very good video to show what really happens)

Factory Farms...How it really is

what they don't want you to know

How would you feel?

Watch this video on some facts : (Semi-graphic)

Web page on facts


Becoming Vegetarian & Difficulties So Far

When becoming vegetarian, right away I wanted to eliminate meat from my diet. I did not start off as pescatarian ( meaning that you are vegetarian but with the exception of one meat; most commonly fish. However, I have heard of some circumstances where people ate chicken but then leaned themselves off meat for good.)

Types of vegetarians/vegans:

Some difficulties that I have already endured would be things such as other people understanding my motives, and meals.

Many people do not quite understand why I am vegetarian. Because of this, I have to inform them MANY times, and have them try to accept that. When it comes to meals it can be difficult because, again, people don't understand. Also, when it comes to somebody else cooking the meal, it can be hard to find something for me to eat when everybody else in my household is not vegetarian. I am usually very busy on weeknights so I often have no time cook anything, so that is why it is difficult.

Are people having trouble accepting your new lifestyle?

The video above, is from a youtuber named Sorsha,

and I highly recommend watching her videos!


Helpful Video Links About Vegetarianism & Veganism

Informational Videos on Vegetarianism & Veganism:

May seem boring, but please listen because he makes very valid points! :)

Animal victims

Is Vegan healthy?

Healthy Vegan?

Information for kids, or even everyone!

What meat eaters say...but here are facts.

(Not to offend anybody! :) )

Informational Web Pages:

Defeating the common statements that non-vegetarian/vegans say

(help for my veggie friends out there) ;)

Is being vegetarian healthy?

Why is eating meat bad?

Some statistics...

Humans are not really meant to eat meat?!

Delicious Vegetarian & Vegan Recipes/ Meal Inspiration & Ideas:

Vegetarian Pasta

16 recipes

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