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Youtuber Books

Here are both books by Zoe Sugg ("Zoella" on youtube) called 'Girl Online', and 'Girl Online' On Tour. I've started to read the first book and it is very good so far! I Knew I had to purchase both since she is one of my favorite youtubers.

Where do I even start? I have wanted this book since they announced they were going to have a book released. I NEEDED to get Dan Howell (Danisnotonfire) and Phil Lester (AmazingPhil) 's book. I love how the book format is, and how it is something I can have as a reminder of their accomplishments to resemble how proud I am of them. If you have not seen their videos, I highly recomend watching them (along with the other youtubers in this blog post!).

Joe Sugg, another youtuber that I adore, has also released his first graphic novel. As a grpahic novel, I typically would never pick up this type of book. Since it is Joe Sugg, I had to get this book. I've gotten about 1/2 through it (stopped because I have not had any free time to read, sadly) and I am really enjoying this book. I fancy the artwork throughout the entire book as well.

As I occasionally watch Alfie Deyes (PointlessBlog) 's videos, and from seing him with his girlfriend, Zoe Sugg, I knew it was time to purchase his book. As for not owning it already, I saw it in a bookstore and decided to buy it. I'm really excited to complete the creative activities in it!

Lasty, Connor Franta's book. I have to be honest, I have not watched his videos. - I know... I'm sorry!!- But I do follow his instagram, and I must say that his photos are AMAZING. When I saw his book, I was instantly attracted to its appearance. (I know, "don't judge a book by its cover"). I have skimmed through the book and read a little so far and I am enjoying it very much. I love how the book layout is, and I think he and everyone in the book publishing process, did a very nice job.

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